Like Mediation, the Collaborative Approach is non-confrontational. Rather than the process being facilitated by a neutral mediator, each party brings a partnering attorney to the face-to-face meetings. Other professionals, including financial consultants, mental health professionals and child specialists may also be included in the group meetings.

Attorneys and other professionals trained in Collaborative Law Practice create a safe environment for the divorcing spouses to come together to discuss and resolve issues in a collaborative atmosphere.

The Collaborative Law Practice approach is based on three principles:

  • A pledge not to go to court
  • An honest exchange of information by both spouses
  • A solution that takes into account the highest priorities of both spouses/partners and their children

You and your spouse/partner, rather than a judge, are in control of the decisions. All parties sign a written pledge to engage in a respectful process. The Collaborative Approach is designed to protect the interests of children and calmly reach an agreeable settlement. The focus is as much on creating workable solutions for a new future as on resolving current disagreements.
